Thursday 16 April 2020

Golgotha's Battle Masters Miniatures

Herewith Battle Masters Miniatures


Review including files that contain the rules, additional rules and cards as well as the ability to play as a board game available here:

At any rate the game is a great one to introduce children to wargaming. 

Many may well have fond memories of this game from their childhood or those that have been playing the likes of GW systems for years.

What I have painted thus far. This includes good knights, goblin infantry, orc infantry, goblin cavalry (riding Wargs), evil knights and lastly (for now) Ogres (the original game came with one but I have three).

Good knights, shield heraldry is hand painted with flags being printed paper, which I designed from various images found online using of all things word. Transparent images are great for these when you can find them. I Mod Podge the paper flags after to help waterproof and protect them which I find works better than varnish. 

Goblins, again hand painted shields.

Orcs, the shields here having been embossed with old GW shield details. Must admit got a bit lazy here. As I was going to hand paint some shield designs.

Goblin Warg riders, I really like these cavalry. In the game they prove to be largely useless and I think their stats need to be enhanced. I enjoyed doing the various shades of wolf fur.

Evil knights, again hand painted shields. I will be adding flags for them but have not been able to complete the design and print them yet. 

"What do Ogres eat? Ogres eat what be tasty and sweet". Some may recall this line I think it was from 2nd edition Warhammer. 

The middle one I see as the leader. I painted him in the "classic" appearance. 


  1. Very nice paint jobs! Looking forward to paint my set, too. I will also rebase them on single bases, so I can use the miniatures for SBH and HOTT.

  2. Thank you Mophus - your beastmen look great very clean and crisp see: I really need to get going on my humans. I only need to base the chaos bowmen and paint the dismounted chaos knights.
