Tuesday 18 August 2020

Golgotha's Ancients - Greek Ship

 Herewith, a Greek ship. I will be using this as a terrain piece. Miniatures are 15mm, Essex Miniatures, I think, which I had lying around. These were the only 15mm ancients miniatures I had but I wanted to do something with them. So why not make them a terrain piece, a ship... I can use it in the background of my 20mm 1/72nd scale Greek games. It is a paper model I found online, it is not great nor particularly well detailed but I am happy with the overall result. I have used it in one game already and we had it deploy troops which then arrived later in the game as reinforcements. It turned out to be a fun little build and refreshing too since I went into it with no particular expectations. The idea of more than one scale on the table at the same time also got me thinking that it might work to have different scales create a sense of depth on the wargame table so the foreground could be a 28mm skirmish game with then increasingly larger armies as one scales down across the table. 

See: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=126462.0

Essex Miniatures, see: https://www.essexminiatures.co.uk/

Here I cut out a little opening leading to then the lower decks - this will be as much detail as I will add. I am not going to bother with oars nor rigging. 


  1. Love the ship! I've been looking for something like that for my Trojan War project!

    Would you happen to have the link handy? I've been looking online for various 'black ship' paper models and the only thing I get are academic articles, which, while interesting is not what I'm looking for!

  2. I can't seem to find it sorry. However, I did find this one see: https://www.slstc.southwarklea.org.uk/how_to_make3.htm also available here https://zenon-education.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/AGS.png. There is also a Russian company which makes paper models including ships see: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10629388 which is available on eBay for example https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3D-Cardboard-models-toys-Clever-Paper-Umbum-Ships-12/203178295194?hash=item2f4e5ebf9a:g:XP8AAOSw-m1e9iEz. It will also depend on what scale you need though with the one I built and similar you could print it to the size required. With a bit more effort they are relatively simple to scratch build certainly with something like my one here there really is not much detail nor accuracy but it helps create the right impression.

  3. The uncoloured one here is in fact very similar to mine in structure I rather like this and may well build it. https://www.slstc.southwarklea.org.uk/images/Greek%20ship%20uncoloured.pdf

  4. For 6mm Ancient Roman ships see Hotz available here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/506/Hotz-Stuff
