Friday 3 June 2022

Golgotha's Games - Playmobil Fistful of Lead Game

 Herewith, a Playmobil game using Fistful of Lead - this really is playing with toy soldiers. 

A Spanish fort with its French Governor is attacked by some English Privateers. Fortunately, they have managed to fool the Spanish into believing that they are bringing much-needed supplies to the fort. This at least gains them entry... But for how long can they keep the Spanish fooled, especially as only the Captain of the attacking English and the man they snuck into the fort some weeks earlier to convince the governor of the supply ship can speak Spanish. Inspiration being taken from the likes of Pirates of the Caribbean. Some good old-fashioned swashbuckling fun and playing with 'real' toy soldiers - LOL.  

Capture the Governor
Pillage any treasure
Free the prisoners
Blow up the canons so as to make an escape on the ship possible 

Traits specific to the scenario:

Positive Traits:
Speak Spanish
Pick Locks
Parry +2 when defending in hand to hand combat

Negative Traits:
Forgetful at least once in the game, likely when it is most important this character will do nothing for their turn. Think away with the fairies and or suffering from ADHD.

Talkative - this was the parrot and yes he was one of the characters making up the English numbers. A crazy bird rattling off in English when you are trying to convince people your Spanish is not very helpful. 

Gave some additional modifiers:
+2 surprise attack
+2 rear attack

The English wander into the Spanish fort unopposed and are greeted as friends. Indeed, the French Governor even invites the Captain to come and see him. 

Note the talkative parrot - fortunately, he decided to perch on an unmanned canon.

A lengthy interlude as the two leaders engage in pleasantries. 

Meanwhile, the English spy who had been planted some weeks earlier to convince the fort that supplies were coming sneaks up behind a Spaniard only to throw him to his death over the battlements. A bit mean, methinks...

Much of the supplies actually contain gunpowder to blow up the guns. One barrel contained a chap with the traits small and killer and gosh he really lived up to his name - a mean spirited bastard who would hamstring the Spaniard who was dumb enough to offer to roll the barrel he was in and what a surprise it must have been when the small killer rolled out...

This chap stayed on board the ship - the uniform might give up the true intentions... He would later take a number of pot shots at the governor eventually killing him - one of these shots I might add was even with a cannon which upset the French Governor no end... This is a really cute miniature and indeed he was the entire reason for the game. 

Here we see the naughty, noisy parrot harassing a Spaniard who would also fall to his death. Just remember it is not the fall that kills but the sudden stop at the end - this is why a fear of heights is so irrational when really it is a fear of sudden stops...

A great Hollywood moment was caught here between the sword and cane fight of the two leaders - embarrassingly our English privateer would land up running in fear from this stout French Governor. Indeed, our Englishmen still has a cracking headache.

What a vantage point to take pot shots. 

Prisoners are freed! Another objective in the bag. 

Before the Governor was killed the parrot stole his wig - a very amusing moment. We play with jokers and use them for special events like these...

Sailing away in victory, treasure and prisoners both being liberated. 

Our parrot making a new birds nest from the Governor's wig. 


For Playmobil on a grand scale see:

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