Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Golgotha's Rules ideas for hunting games

 Also, been wanting to do some sort of hunting game/s – Only suggestions I have thought of so far include:

·       The Death in the Dark Continent has a man versus beast small skirmish game rules for big game hunting.

·       Mammalian Mayhem (Hunting in the Age of Mammals) Rules also by Chris Peers.

·       Tooth and Claw http://theminiaturespage.com/news/17238/

·       Tusk by Irregular Miniatures

·       Big Game Hunter https://www.perilplanet.com/free-games/

·       Dino Hunt http://wwwmawsblackpanthers.spruz.com/downloads.htm?a=&act=view&id=49665FCB-F9A1-4DDA-AA36-24660297ADC4

·       See: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=130721.0

Golgotha's Games - Very Quick Violence

 Herewith, Very Quick Violence - a very simple game of miniature combat - rules available here: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=135984.0

See also Monmouth Miniatures: https://mammoth-miniatures.onlineweb.shop/

Three Hobbit/Halflings and a human on one side...

Versus two Evil Knights and a Blood Imp on the other...

Hobbits decide to wonder through the house - what an adventure!

Evil Knights attack our brave hero...

Blood Imp hides behind the corner of the house...

Our hero is slain - what a fool.

Blood Imp attacks from the rear but to no avail, the hobbit turns and is joined by his two companions...

The Hobbits are now in trouble and bravely fight to the last...

Our Evil Knights celebrate their victory by plundering the house. 

Some more pictures of the miniatures and terrain used. 

The game certainly creates an interesting dynamic between the big-ins and little-ins and given the focus on sizes a tank version of the game could work well with then light, medium and heavy vehicles/tanks...

Monday, 25 April 2022

Golgotha's Paper Terrain and armies

Herewith, is a possible way to create some fast terrain and possibly even armies including Rorkes Drift and Alamo. 

See: https://peterspaperboys.com/

Also, European Buildings: 28mm Paper Models for 18th & 19th Century Wargames (Paperboys on Campaign) by Richter, Florian.

There are a number of books available including:

·       Wargame: Jacobite '45

·       The Battle of Trafalgar 1805: Every ship in both fleets in profile

·       Wargame Castle Assault Sieges and Battles Edward I to Bannockburn - Battle for Britain

See: https://www.wargamesillustrated.net/battle-for-britain-castle-assault-and-jacobite-45/

Horrible Histories Cake Charles II

 Herewith, Birthday cake my wife and I made for our son - Horrible Histories Cake Charles II. 

Something for Easter

 Herewith, Norman egg head for Easter. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Golgotha's Rules - Free Rules

 Herewith, sources for free rules.

A selection of indie games, specifically chosen to appeal to our readers and fans of things that are a little bit strange and terrifying. Try out Lobsterpot, the Weald, Forbidden Psalm: Last War, Questing Knight, Planet 28, TSPN, Kuggköping, TONKS or one of the NCT games for free. Here: https://28-mag.com/games/

Free wargame scenario wargame ideas https://warriorsolo.jimdofree.com/wargames/

Rules and last Napoleon Skirmish, “SKIRMISH WARGAME NO. # 31” - “The Last Napoleon – A Fatal Zulu Ambush in 1879”, he also has many other scenarios and rules ideas see: https://warriorsolo.jimdofree.com/wargames/

Excellent website and source of ideas for anyone interested in wargaming Sumerians, see: https://sumer2sargon.wordpress.com/category/rules/

Further idea for ancient here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2607949/first-iran-iraq-war-c-2700-bce

For  an excellent source of Sumerian miniatures in 15mm see Museum Miniatures: https://www.museumminiatures.co.uk/sumerian-chariot-hv.html

Excellent rules reviews are available here: 


Some good quick overview reviews of rules here and he also has a few sets of rules of his own for download: 




A grid-based game called Portable wargame rules available for free download here: http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~warden/portable_wargame/

Some great free wargame rules and resources are available here including an excellent remake of Lord of the Rings game see: http://jayswargamingmadness.blogspot.com/2022/06/war-of-ring-revised-rules-beta.html 

Also https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=138667.0

The Perfect Rules by the Perfect Captain including campaign scenario games for thier miniature games all stunningly illustrated, see: http://perfectcaptain.50megs.com/request.html

Number of excellent free rules are available here including a set based on the excellent Medieval Rules called Retinue see: https://herkybird.tynesidewargames.co.uk/mediaeval.html

Also includes some solo rules for other games and some miscellaneous rules as well. 

For all your Sci-Fi Fantasy requirements One Page Rules has you covered see: http://www.onepagerules.com 

Grimdark Future rules explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBnnX_1j3AQ&ab_channel=Wyloch%27sArmory

Grimdark objective cards for One Page Rules


Free Wargame Magazine, Warning Order, see: https://www.wfhgs.com/wrngorder.html 

Number of periods available here: http://www.quickplayrules.com/ He also has a YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuqlmCWWVODRQUEvMHb7XA/videos

Freewargamesrules Wiki - Bringing free rules to the Wargaming Community since 1997. All the miniature rules featured on this site are freely available. You will not have to pay for the rules listed here. Loads are available here, some do become defunct so check regularly and get them whilst they work and are available: https://freewargamesrules.fandom.com/wiki/Freewargamesrules_Wiki

Lunchtime very quick violence rules: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=135984.0

Some surprising finds are available here: https://www.wargamer.com/free-wargame-rules

Little Wars TV - Many great ideas and free scenarios are available here: https://www.littlewarstv.com/free-stuff.html

A few interesting miniatures and board games are freely available here: http://www.wargameshop.uk/freebies.htm

https://wargamingmiscellanybackup.wordpress.com/free-downloadable-wargame-rules/ - includes, among others, MIMI AND TOUTOU GO FORTH a very simple set of rules for re-fighting the naval battles that took place on Lake Tanganyika during the First World War. See documentary on this unusual part of the Great War here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6TYl-L7GDg&t=16s&ab_channel=DarkDocs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5cp-QFzfxU&ab_channel=TheGreatWar

https://www.gravetool.com/ Website tool for Frostgrave to assist with warband and wizard creation, see also: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=136630.msg1739603;boardseen#new

Numerous sets of free rules and free paper miniatures are available at the Junior General website.See: http://www.juniorgeneral.org/

PORTABLE WARGAMES rules. These were developed by Bob Cordery using ideas first proposed by Joseph Morschauser and are designed to be used with a playing surface that has been divided into a grid of squares or hexes. http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~warden/portable_wargame/

The Perfect Captain - If you are not familiar with these then you should be - great also for ideas and campaigns, http://perfectcaptain.50megs.com/captain.html

A few free rule sets here together with a number of links with loads more... see: https://wdwgamers.weebly.com/free-rules.html

Ton of free board and miniature games here: https://grognard.com/Board.aspx#complete

HG Wells Little Wars, see: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3691

Great many games especially board games available unfortunately few are free but they do have loads of cheap options. See: http://www.wargamedownloads.com/index.php?pics=

By Fire and Sword Free Renaissance Rules ideal for Cossacks and Polish Winged Hussars etc. available here: http://www.fireandsword.wargamer.pl/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=86&id=136:byfireandswordruleboo

This one is not rules per say but rather a page full of links to wargame blogs - very useful see: http://wargamesblogs.blogspot.com/

Some free paper terrain https://www.grundschule-pretzschendorf.de/Werken/Weihnachtsberg/weihnachtsberg.html

Monday, 18 April 2022

Golgotha's Terrain - Trees - Ideal for smaller scales like 10mm

 Herewith, terrain - trees - Ideal for smaller scales like 10mm. 

Some of these are made from pipe cleaners. A few are bought but the majority are scratch built, for which I got the idea for these from Little Wars TV see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnpKt-5kwwY&ab_channel=LittleWarsTV

Others were made from cones, see below: 

These are the cone ones. 

The type of cone used. Merely glued on some fine flock. 

See: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=124128.0